Sunday, May 06, 2007

Tops of My Pops for 5/6/07

A weekly look at what I'm listening to, from my user stats:
Top Artists for the week ending May 6, 2007
1. Explosions In The Sky
2. Digital Mystikz
2. Beck
4. Spoon
5. Gang Of Four
6. DJ Shadow
6. David Bowie
6. Squarepusher
6. James Brown
10. Primal Scream
10. Nine Inch Nails
10. Radiohead
10. Beastie Boys
10. Depeche Mode
10. Kiln
10. Amon Tobin
Explosions In The Sky have been lurking in the musical background for a few years now, slowly attracting my attention until this latest album sort of burst into my consciousness. The post-rock Mogwai-esque epic sountrack sound they've been fine-tuning for years is really working for me on All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone, and now even How Strange, Innocence is sounding cool.

Been wanting to check out Digital Mystikz ever since I saw Burial raving about them. I haven't quite uncovered the greatness yet, but I'm willing to keep trying.

See also:
The 'Tops of My Pops' archives

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